Can you tell me about your unrealized project

The Case for Curation
Cameron Booth
The term curation is thrown around so often now, that it is used oftentimes less often in the fine art world where it originated and has not transcended or regressed, depending on how you look at it, to live more dominantly in the world of social media as well as corporate board rooms, and commercial environments intended to purely sell a product. What do fine artists and designers think of curation today, and where it's going?
The first challenge came with the medium I was choosing to execute my deliverable in—documentary film. Luckily I was able to visit numerous studios and galleries and museums once they opened but majority of the interviews were done remote. The second challenge was how to make a documentary engaging through mainly remote interviews discussing an otherwise not talked about topic. Then I had to distill the 20+ hours of initial footage to decide what to share with the public. Another challenge which I unfortunately succumb to in my first episode was diversity—this I plan to fix with due time.
The fine art world does not see curation through one lens. There is no shared understanding or definition of it—however the term curator does not mean the same as it used to. That does not mean it's a bad thing, but it has evolved in some capacity. Additionally majority of what it takes to be a curator, is to purely call yourself a curator. I executed the first of a four part docu-series I envisioned and planned out. Additionally I plan to distill the rest of the footage and the best sound bits and visuals to live on tik tok, essentially curating conversations about curation on a platform that curates for their consumers.
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